We once had a crude talking presidents who is said to have made a statement about another politician that goes something like this “the only way he will not be elected is to be caught screw— a goat on the courthouse steps.” I’m afraid we have that same situation with Hillary, because 47 percent of the voters would vote for her if it were reveled that she is the AntiChrist The Democrats You will gain harder and bigger erections for enjoying the sexual activity in desirable way. viagra prices although the medicine good enough for the treatment, yet it can show some side-effects. For many people Drivers ED brings back memories of cialis generico cipla unica-web.com the gym teacher showing horrifying automotive accidents during a sweating room. Complete bodily health can make one feel sleepy and when mixed with viagra tab sleep aids could cause death. Some men also believe that doing look here viagra samples sex while drunk would be beneficial in this regard. have the block vote of the labor unions, the blacks, the hispanics , the gays, the Jews and the Yellow Dog Democrats who vote for Democrats because their daddies did. Then we have the Republicans, who are so divided that many stayed home during the last presidential election rather than to vote for a Mormon, thus helping to elect the worst president this country has ever had. Are we really that dumb?
I totally agree, Dick. I don’t know how it is that everybody from the middle of the road to the far, far, radical left has managed to vote en bloc for decades. Lock step. The fact that some of the most radical, socialist candidates have not only been elected, but re-elected is astounding to me. I think most of the people voting for these folks (who apparently cannot connect the dots, or they would see how incompatible with national finances and the constitution their ideas are) just don’t pay attention or just want more stuff. They are lulled by the social-justice speak that these people regurgitate at every opportunity. They fool themselves into thinking they are somehow taking the high road.
John also may have taken a loan having a long run than the one he decided of 2 yrs.